Friday, April 23, 2010

we were never meant to be, baby we just happened.

isn't it funny how someone can seem so relevant in your life for a day, a week, a month .. and then poof dunzo.. gone, over, finitttaaaa. so, we're disappointed for a few days, bitch to our friends, even shed the occasional tear.. then like a snap of a finger were back to our old foolish selves.

we wounder, did that even really happen? and other times are completely relieved it didn't go any further. with age, has our hearts grown stronger? probably. lowered it's expectations? definitely. past flings and things.. hell ya they leave a mark, but we move on and keep our heads up. The important ones aren't necessarily the good ones.. they could be the ones you regret, the ones that treated you like shit, the ones that wasted your time, or the ones you today really couldn't care less about.. at the end of the day they help you to grow up.. and really it's their loss anyway, right?

it's those people that stayed awhile.. well those, now they leave a permanent mark. they were real, and taught you things about yourself they probably didn't even realise they did. they leave a hand print on your heart and don't quite ever go away. they out last the flings and things, until we find another someone who can stand up to the plate and fill the print.

xx linds.

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